Living life to the Fullest!
Monday, February 28, 2005
hey hey hey...
one dae of my 1 week break is about to end in half hour tym..
hmm...staying home for the whole afternoon was damn bored..
i only meet my sayang in the evening to buy shampoo n conditioner at afgan..
but before that we had our so called lunch + dinner at my place..
now,while wating for my baby to get on line,i spent the time updating my blog..
i think tats all i wanna share..
i wanna congrats my sista,Dinna,as she pass her 'O's wif flying colours..
hope she make a wise choice for her choice..
coz the course ur gonna take,will decide ur future..
(faham ke tak??kalo tak,fahamkan eh..hehehehe)
Okla people...nytez!!
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Yesterdae was a great dae out wif my baby.
ever since he started working last month,
we had nt been spending time together..
kiter jarang jumper,jarang bebual,lesser hug and kiss..haiz..
tapi nak kene get use to it..haiz..
but anw,smlm yer outing was enjoyable..
Kiter meet kul 2++pm bab he got werk in the morning..
gi interchange den naik bus no.10 gi Suntec..
SEBELUM berjalan di suntec city,kiter gi belik ticket dulu kat Shaw..
After buying the movie tickets den we jalan2 jap kat suntec bab show start kul 5.30..
Kul 5.15 kiter jalan ke Shaw towers..
pastu tengok la cerite nyer sambil mkn Nachos..i likeeeee...
crite dier banyak terperanjat2 TAPI merepek..
the show ends at around 7++
den kiter jalan gi Parco bugis junction bab perut ku da kelaparan..
kiter ke Seoul Garden to hav our dinner..
as it was saturdae,tempatnyer pack giler..
den orang tu kate dier call lagik 20 mins.
.tunggu nyer tunggu about 30++ mins later baru dier call..
kiter masok la restaurant tu..
kiter duer 1st time makan situ so due2 macam blur2..
lagik2 aku SUPER blur..hahahha...
da amek makan kiter start la bakar..makan ampai sakit perut aku..
after kiter makan makanan bakar2 tu,kiter start wif deserts..
kiter makan ice-cream..yum..yum..
sedap banget....aduuuhhhhh takle angkat..hehhe...
lepas makan,kiter balek..naik bus 12..
aku ampai umah dalam kul 12 gituk..
of course la matahir aku antar balek umah ampai ke door step..
lepas menbersihkan diri,main comp..
sampai la ke 3 pagi..
kul 3 pagi tu la battery aku da flat..
aku off comp da re-charge energy aku..
+the end+
Sunday, February 20, 2005
hey hey hey...the tag board is back...hahhhahhaa..
entah maner dier menghilang last few daes aku pon tak tau..hehhehe..
btw,i juz LOVE weekends..Woohooo!!! asyik banget..
1stly pasal NO skool..hahaha..
2nd,pasal aku dapat spent the whole dae ngan matahir aku..
3rd,need not wake up morning2..
4thly,dapt tgk cartoon...hehehehe...dan banyak reason2 lain la...
ok...lets talk about todae...
todae,i woke up at 12..(lambat eh??)
woke up late bcoz last nite,aku tgk crite Senseless(vcd)..
klakar banget crita nya..*smile*..
den tgk tv..dalm kul 3.30 gituk baru mandi..
den meet my baby kat bus stop about 5 like dat..pastu kiter pegi mrt station untuk ke town(somerset) gi tengok chingay..sampai cinelesiure, ingatkan nak makan...kedai makan semuer pack2 belake..den kiter jalan...nampak Old Chung Kee,beli la makan sikit2..nak belik peach tea kat kedai seblh dier takde,so kiter jalan nak ker 7-11 TAPI da takle cross..actualli bole cross pastu si pandai nie(aku) gi tarik matahir aku cakap takmo go over bab policeman tu tak kasi..matahir aku nyer geram kat aku bab biler aku pull him,people are still walking crossing to the other side..
kemudian kiter jalan la..nampak burger king tot of juz buying drink pastu nampak sit kosong,kite makan jer..lepas makan,kiter gi carik a good spot untok tgk Chingay tu da dapat b4 7..tunggu nyer tunngu,bende ala tu tak start2..naik penat aku tunggu..:-)..dalam kul 8++ baru start the real event...haiz...
kiter tak stay situ ampai abes ar bab ader tis apek nyer famili nak selit2...
haiyoo...den kiter make a move..
after tat,jumper matahir aku nyer fren,lepak2 jap ilang kan penat berdirik.
.pastu,jumper kawan dier lagik..
dorang bebual2 den aku dan matahir aku berarak pulang..
balek niak train turun simei den naik bus..
matahir aku lepak kat umah aku dalm kul 2 gituk baru dier balek..
pastu skrg nie,aku nga nak chat ngan dier...the end...
(pangjang eh???) heheheh...
=tats all=
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
setelah sekian lamer baru aku meng-update blog aku..
aku ade mase tapi sedikit malas ar..
but anw,so much stuffs happened last few daes..
lets start wif yesterdae...
Yesterdae it was valentines dae yesterdae..mesti orang2 yang ader date/matahir yesterdae hav much fun celebrating it..but not me..matahir aku kerje..:-(..wen i was in skool yesterdae, quiet a number of girls dapat bunge,balloon...biler kat interchange,ader pompuan nie bawak heart shape balloon and a bouquet of kan?? macam jealous gituk ader..hehe..tapi takper la..not only valentines dae our boyfriend hav to treat us super nice kan?? i think guys shud treat his girlfriend super nice goes vice versa untuk mereka yang hav fun during the V dae,im hapi for u...sape yang tak,there's alwaes other daes to spent time wif ur love ones..
Sundae nothing much happened on usual,lepak pat umah..itu jer..hhehhehe..
Saturdae hmm..saturdae was quite fun and my baby plan untuk ker changi fishing..he asked my adek to come along,so she agreed..not only my adek ikot but my parent pon..heehhe..the more the merrier la kate kan..kiter sampai changi dalam kul 12++noon..sampai siang bab air pasang tengah hari tat dae..sampai,pasang joran den start fishing..aku sekejap2 jer pacing..the rest of the tym there,amek2 gambar la,makan,enjoy the scenery..mase air jalan surut, aku,adeq n matahir, tangkap ikan ni ari badan aku masey perit kene matehari..hehehe..ok la tats all..
`=peace out=
Friday, February 11, 2005
Thursday, February 10, 2005
its been lyk daes i havent been updating ma blog..
Todae around 11.30am, my sister woke me up saying my cat, Dogg, past away..
(my cat, Dogg, had been sick since last few weeks.
his suffering from altered breathing pattern bcoz of his affected lung/heart..)
wen i wen to the kitchen to take al ook at my cat,i burst out in tears..
den my mom told me to find an unused cloth to wrap him..
lepas tu,my sis n father went to bury him at pasir ris(im not sure where exactly)..
Haiz...sedih giler sak biler Dogg mati..He's only 1 year plus sey..hiaz..

right:my late cat Dogg
den at 5,i met my baby at his place to makan..
after makan,i asked him to accompany me to TM coz i wanna eat sushi..
alangkah sedih nyer,Epo sushi TUTUP!!!arghh..
dengan hati yang kecewe,kiter jalan pulang..
on our wae home,we bought ice-cream from Mcdonald..
sampai umah aku tgk Mulan pas tu baby balek..
Yesterdae as yesterdae was a holidae,my family and my pak long's family,organize a picnic..
the picnic was a lot of fun!!! kiter main kite,bola,main air,amek2 gambar...
siookkk!!! anw,yesterdae smue family members aku ader
except for my second sis ngan matahir dier bab dorang takle make it..
my baby was also there yesterdae..
he fetch me from home to pasir ris naik basikal..hehehhe...
best sampai sakit bontot aku niari..
at around 5++ gituk,mama aku ajak matahir aku pancing kat situ..
so matahir aku tompang la kau balek untuk amek barang2 fishing dier..
sampai balek kat pasir ris dalam kul 7pm..angin malam pon shioook!!
sejuk giler..hhehehe..
dalam kul 3.30am(niari) pack2 untuk pulang..
ampai umah dalam kul 4am lyk dat..
cuci kaki,cuci muker,pas tu flat..
penat siol...haiz...tapi gerek ar smlm..heheheh
below are some shots taken yesterdae..enjoy...

me wif my adeq

me wif my mama(saaaaayang mama)

nak step model..lolx

my pak long n abah(macam twin eh??)

side view of my baby

sweet tak kiter??



along and anak sedare yang mentel
dats all people..bubyez!!!
Friday, February 04, 2005
hey people.....tis week is so damn bored!!
the reason is,my baby start werking so i can only meet him tomorrow...haiz...
i reali miss him..if only i can meet him now,im gonna hug and kiss him...haiz..
can wait till tomorrow to meet him sey..
as usual,moring2 skool..starts at punctual but......the first hour class was CANCLED!! arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! geram aku!!! after class,i went to visit my classmate with dengue at CGH..poor him..rashes all over his body...worst ting is,he didnt bath for the whole week in hospital..the nurses der jus tepid sponge him..yuckz!! i cant bare not bathing for a dae oso cannot tahan..
i went back home after visiting Nic..lek2 den bath because going to meet my Sec sch frenz at Coffee bean for another gathering..its shaiful belated bdae celebration..shared money to buy cake and new slipper for him...hav fun la but not as much as khadijah bdae party...
i went back home and reach home about 9 like dat..quite tiring bcoz since morning sey..
after updating my blog
,i gonna wait till 12 to watch ghost story at channel 8..
k la nite...
i realli miss my boyfren...miss you baby.....
picture below was taken juz reali admire Shahila's spec..soooooo nice..