Jangan Tinggal Daku (Don't leave me)
wen went out wif my GFs yesterday.
and "jangan tinggal daku" was the song of the day.
Jah sang it in a low & deep voice
thus making it very ......... hahahahahahaha..
i went to meet my GFs (Syida,Saila,Dinna n Jah).
we suppose to meet up at 4pm at CThall.
but as usual, being a malay(janji melayu),
Din n Jah turn up later.
so Syida, Saila n myself go makan 1st at LJS.
after our food den Din came.
jalan2 and end up at Boat Quay.
we sat at the staircase to talk2 n lepak2
n not forgeting cam whore-ing.
i shall talk less n post more pics.
enjoy the pics.

wen went out wif my GFs yesterday.
and "jangan tinggal daku" was the song of the day.
Jah sang it in a low & deep voice
thus making it very ......... hahahahahahaha..
i went to meet my GFs (Syida,Saila,Dinna n Jah).
we suppose to meet up at 4pm at CThall.
but as usual, being a malay(janji melayu),
Din n Jah turn up later.
so Syida, Saila n myself go makan 1st at LJS.
after our food den Din came.
jalan2 and end up at Boat Quay.
we sat at the staircase to talk2 n lepak2
n not forgeting cam whore-ing.
i shall talk less n post more pics.
enjoy the pics.
these are random pics taken yesterdae...
i had great tym wif them..
after like 3 months tak jumper saila,smlm baru jumper..
i not sure wen is the next tym we gonna meet eachother..
btw,i finish my last paper yesterdae..hehehe..
got few daes break b4 my attachment..
i miss my baby alot..
met him for awhile juz now after 3 days tak meet..
going out wif him 2moro night..heehee..
miss u baby...
muahahaha... nak kena bilang sume org per aku nyanyi sedap? *LOL*
i sharing to everybody that u hav great talent..hahahaha
hmmm... gd, gd.. thanx for the free publicity. muahahaha... n btw, sedih sey machine rosak sumenye pasal aku.
and to syida, wats that look for? muahaha.. -tgk gambar aku n kau pat ticketing machine tu- haha.. cute sey muka kau.
cute?? haha..aku tau!! =P
and jamillah...whats with that budak sebok thingy?? hahahaha!
eh..abeh yg group pic tu kan..actually kena buat muka bodoh...tapi dinna step mentel sakk.. menyampah! hahaha
HAHAHAHA. walaupun fana tuh on my phone, tak semestinya kena tarok aper! HAHAHA.
-saila isabella-
OI!!!!!!!! okay wait,
I hope you still remember me sia! I got here thru your sister's blog which I got thru my sister's blog! WAHAHAHAHA.
youre loooooking way damn gooood lar! kau dgn baby kau cute nampak. I miss you baby, well I miss you too baby! nyahahahaha! OKAY, KAU TAKE CARE OKAY!
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