If i noe it will turn out ugly,i wont TRIM my hair..
oh ya...i happened again..
i trimed my hair yesterdae..
the hairdresser suppose to juz trim 2 inches..
BUT she cut like almost half of my hair length..
previously my hair length touches my butt line...
but now......arghhhh!!!
dun wanna talk more bout it la..
make me sOoooo angry...
*i look ugly in this hair cut!
Forget bout my hair..
lets talk about yesterdae...
yesterdae i went to Bugis wif..
mama,2nd sis n adeq..
actualli onli me n adeq plan to go
but mama n 2nd sis wanna follow..
so we meet abah at Banquet..
makan lunch den kite jalan..
1st kite jalan at bugis junction den bugis village..
adeq got herself a sch bag n i go crazy wif the watches..
the watches der were so cheap n nice...
hehehe...i like!!
we tot of jalan2 lagi..
but adeq mabok..
so we took bus no. 12 home...
da ampai afgan,
adeq n 2nd sis wanna cut hair..
itula membuat guer mahu trim rambot...
*i wouldnt wan to repeat my story..
after cut hair we walk home..
amapi umah call baby...
told him i cut my hair n i turn ugly..
dier mara..
coz last semester i also cut my hair n it turn out ugly...
den i very sad...
now i oso sad..
sad sekali...
i realli hope my hair grow longer FASTER!
i feel so ugly...
ok la people...
enjoy the pics taken yesterdae...
peace out!

adeq,myself n sis jal


Mama,adeq n sis jal

adeq n myself
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